· Basic human rights mean a person make preferences in his or her life without disturbing another person. In another word, the borders of freedom are defined: one’s freedom ends where another one’s freedom starts. Theoretically, it is a very simple idea to define the basic human rights · Essay on Human Rights: Every human being is entitled to a set of fundamental rights of living called human rights. They are universally applicable without any violation. Eleanor Roosevelt championed the cause of human rights across blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Human rights are the internal and external privileges which all humans are considered given including freedom to live, liberty, equality, and a fair trial, freedom from slavery and torture, and freedom of thought and expression. But, even the privileges that our countries and life itself give us can be violated or even taken away
Essay on “Human Rights” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
HUMAN RIGHTS. Synopsis : Every human being is entitled to human rights such as right to live and exist, right to freedom, freedom from exploitation, equality before law, to have adequate standard of living etc. The UN adopted Universal Declaration of Human Rights in essay on human rights Rights have their corresponding duties. Human rights presuppose a rule of law and equality.
Violation of human rights is very common among totalitarian, theocratic, despotic states tec. Women, children and weaker sections f the society are often victims of discrimination and violation of human rights. Deaths in police custody, sex-apartheid, child-abuse, political killings are very common which have very much degraded the quality of human life. Violation and denial of human rights by states is very dangerous and often gives to revolutions.
Violence against women is most pervasive. It needs to be tackled effectively. The massive violation of human rights throughout the world is a matter of great shame for the entire humanity. Human rights are the rights to which an individual has a just right as a human being. Men, women and children collectively and individually have these by virtue of their birth as human beings. For the sake of convenience, human rights have been put into two categories: natural rights and civil rights.
Under natural rights come such rights as right to live and exist and sustain life with food, shelter, clothing etc. Freedom from torture, cruelty and slavery, freedom of movement, the right to marry and have a family, freedom of thought and conscience and faith are some other fundamental natural rights.
Right to work, freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention, right to a fair trial, equality before law, the right to a nationality, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, to have adequate standards of living, freedom from exploitation essay on human rights discrimination, right to participate in elections etc. are important civil rights.
The UN General Assembly adopted Universal Declaration of Human Rights in The Declaration recognized the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family. This Charter of Human Rights was essay on human rights drafted by Rene Cassin, Noble Peace Prize winner of Essay on human rights pledged the rights to life, liberty and security of a person —the basic human rights.
Although these rights are not later on ratified by a couple of international conventions. Then there are political rights which entitle a person to contest an election and to vote freely, without any fear for a candidate of his or her choice.
Human rights and their implementation, practice and protection are a benchmark of a truly developed, civilized and democratic society. In a democracy people enjoy the maximum number of human rights. But rights and duties go together, essay on human rights.
The human rights have their corresponding human duties. They are two aspects of a same coin, Essay on human rights never means license. Human rights pre-suppose a rule of law where all the citizens follow a code of conduct and behaviour for the good of all irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sex, social status, region etc. It is the sense of duty, tolerance, essay on human rights, mutual participation that lends meaning and sense to the rights. Rights have their existence on the principle of live and let live.
For example, my right to speech and expression involves my duty to all others to enjoy the same of freedom of speech and expression. Human rights and human duties are inextricably inter-linked and interdependent.
My rights become maintained between the two. Whenever there is an imbalance, there is violence of human rights leading to disturbance and chaos. Rights cannot survive without their corresponding obligations and duties, essay on human rights. Violation and denial of human rights are very common in totalitarian and despotic States, essay on human rights. In theocratic States there is much persecution in the name of religion and the minorities and women suffer the most as we see in many fundamentalist Muslim countries.
The women, children and essay on human rights weaker sections of the society are victims of these transgressions, and violence. The UN commission on Human Rights is mainly concerned in protecting and promoting human rights and freedom of the people of the world. In its various sessions held from time to time in Geneva, it adopts various measures to encourage worldwide observations of these basic human rights and freedoms.
It calls on its members to give information regarding measures complied with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights whenever there is a complaint of violation of these rights. Then there are many voluntary human rights organisations throughout the length and breadth of the world but in most of the cases, they become a mere instrument of cheap publicity, propaganda, personal gains, popularity etc. in the hands of vested interests. For example, in India itself the Kashmiri Pandits etc.
have been subject to terrorism, loot, rape, killings and essay on human rights for many years but no human rights organisation has come forward to give voice to their sufferings or to protect their human rights.
Similarly, in the western countries there prevail all sorts of discrimination and violation of human rights. In the U. churches of the black are being burnt and they are persecuted. In Pakistan and Afghanistan, women are being denied their basic rights and freedoms.
They are flogged and stoned to death publicity without any fair judicial trial on false and fabricated charges. They cannot marry men of their choice or seek an employment. In Cambodia under the dictatorship of Pol Pot of Khmer Rouge, millions of people were massacred systematically and nothing was done to check it or punish the men responsible for this mass genocide.
People and political parties talk of human rights but in practice there are flagrant violations of them. Death in police custody and fake encounters is an example of such violations. The police often take the law in their own hands and kill the so-called criminals instead of subjecting them to due process of law, essay on human rights.
No Investigations are held as to whether the deceased had committed any offence. In the capital city of Delhi, the police shot dead two innocent businessmen and seriously wounded their companion and then placed a revolver etc in their car to prove it an encounter. The violation of human rights by the police, the very protectors of law and order, are too numerous to cunt.
They harass, maltreat, humiliate, tyrannize and lacerate and people in the name of interrogation and investigation. In China, a Communist State, the denial and transgression of human rights are too many frequent. It is estimated that in the year itself 3, people were executed under the so-called strike-hard anti-crime campaign, which is being continued vigorously.
In Tibet the followers of Dalai Lama are being persecuted for many years. Similarly, essay on human rights, essay on human rights Xinjinang, the autonomous region, essay on human rights, the followers of Islam are tortured and harassed.
Inessay on human rights, thousands of people were killed and 10, essay on human rights, people, mostly students, essay on human rights, were shot dead in Tiananmen Square, outside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing because they staged a demonstration for their democratic rights and freedoms. These examples of flagrant violations of human rights are essay on human rights the proverbial tip of the iceberg. The actual violation of human rights is on far more vast scale throughout the world.
Women, children, weaker sections of the societies, minorities and other ethnic groups are the common victims of such violations. Till recently in South Africa apartheid was being practiced, the native Africans were denied their just and legitimate human rights. Then there are other forms of apartheid being blatantly practiced worldwide. In Myanmar Burma there prevails terrorism and military dictatorship and the masses are being denied their basic democratic rights, essay on human rights.
Sex-apartheid is most rampant. Women are subject to various kinds of abuses and exploitations. The children too are being abused and exploited, essay on human rights. Sexually they are assaulted and exploited, sold and bounded for labour.
Their limbs are sometimes amputated to make them earn for the mafias as beggars. Thus, the present state of affairs in respect of human rights is disappointing, essay on human rights. Their denial, curtailment and violation have further degraded the quality of human life. Human rights may be reshaped and redefined to some extent according to the political needs but they should not be distorted out of shape.
Such tendencies are totalitarian, inhuman and savage and should be resisted. The awareness of the sanctity of human rights and basic freedoms should be spread to more and more people of the world. They should be united into very effective case of transgression and violation of human rights, the individuals should be compensated suitably and it should be ensured that these are not repeated.
Violation of human rights gives rise to various other evils such as terrorism, extremism, alienation, frustration, separatism, etc. In many cases, the governments controlled by self-seeking, over ambitious and narrow-minded essay on human rights use repressive, unconstitutional and savage means and spread violence and terror to command the obedience from the masses.
In the background of all world revolutions there has been this strategy. Whenever there has been systematic and widespread State persecution and violation of human rights, there broke out rebellions and revolutions and history repeats itself. Half the world is that of women and yet the violence against them may be the most pervasive and least recognized human rights abuse in the world. Gender violence, sexual harassment, discrimination, essay on human rights, denial of economic, sexual and reproductive rights etc.
are in practice unlimited. The remedy lies in widespread legal reforms, better enforcement of existing laws, new procedures to document violations, education about human rights and close alliance between organisations concerned with their rights. According to a U. report the cases of rape are on the rise and in courts rape victims are often stigmatized and their testimony and integrity impugned.
Child prostitution, dowry deaths and dowry-related crimes are other areas of concern. In India thousands of women die because of dowry-related crimes. Girl-children are often held in bondage in brothels. The marked preference for boys over girls, sex selective abortions etc. are also matters of much concern and should be effectively tackled.
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· We have provided here one long essay on human rights of words, one short essay on human rights of words, and ten important lines covering essay on human rights. Long Essay On Human Rights Words in English. Essay On Human Rights is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and Human rights developed as a concept after the conclusion of the Second World War. Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Human rights are the internal and external privileges which all humans are considered given including freedom to live, liberty, equality, and a fair trial, freedom from slavery and torture, and freedom of thought and expression. But, even the privileges that our countries and life itself give us can be violated or even taken away · Synopsis: Every human being is entitled to human rights such as right to live and exist, right to freedom, freedom from exploitation, equality before law, to have adequate standard of living etc. The UN adopted Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Rights have their corresponding duties. Human rights presuppose a rule of law and blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
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