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Hiroshima nagasaki essay

Hiroshima nagasaki essay

hiroshima nagasaki essay

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Essay Example. History is indeed, as Allen Nerins puts it, “a bridge connecting the past with the present and pointing the road to the future. ” The knowledge of past events provide you guidance and direction. examples of how the Spanish American War, the U. S. military experience in Cuba, and Muslim counter Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins The Atomic Bomb, Hiroshima and Nagasaki On August 6th, , 70, lives were ended in a matter of seconds. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins The Hiroshima Bombing Fifty four years ago, the detonation of the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima (and later on Nagasaki) ushered to the Nuclear Age. It was a moment full of horror, in which the eyes of the whole world were opened to the unimaginable possibility of nuclear holocaust

Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Theory of Just War - Words | Essay Example

August 6,was full of defeat, death, and tragedy for one part of the world. For another, it was full of victory, relief, hiroshima nagasaki essay, but at the same time, guilt. It was the end of a long and tragic war that cost the lives of thousands of soldiers.

With the recent scientific discovery of the atomic bomb, they made the decision to release one bomb over Hiroshima and one bomb over Nagasaki. Hiroshima nagasaki essay the Japanese surrendered, the war would be hiroshima nagasaki essay. Hundreds of thousands died when the bombs fell on the cities. After the bombs devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered.

The war came to an end at last, hiroshima nagasaki essay. So many lives were saved when the war ended; however, they were saved at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives lost in Japan. Many people believe the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hiroshima nagasaki essay justified, but they were necessary for the American victory of World War II.

The United States did not immediately come to the conclusion that the bombs needed to be dropped directly over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Two alternatives to dropping the bombs directly over the Japanese cities were suggested but declined. The first option was rejected by U. officials because many felt that a warning would give Japan the opportunity to shoot down the plane carrying the bomb Bodden The issue with this alternative was that it put the United States soldiers that were aboard the plane, at risk.

If Japan hiroshima nagasaki essay the warning, they would have easily been able to do something to the plane. It could have also interfered with the plan to make a statement to Japan that it was time to surrender. The second option was also rejected, as some feared that if a demonstration bomb failed to explode, the Japanese would be encouraged to continue fighting Bodden It is obvious that the goal of the bombs was to end the war, not to continue hiroshima nagasaki essay on.

With the second option, hiroshima nagasaki essay, there was too much risk in a greater issue arising. The only option left was to drop the bombs.

It has become such a controversial topic, that people are being surveyed on whether they believe this act was justified or not. Most people find that the bombings were correctly used and necessary for the victory, but less find it to have been the incorrect way to take the victory.

Those percentages are the current statistics but times have changed since the war. This statistic proves hiroshima nagasaki essay people who were alive during and immediately after the war understood what would have happened if the United States would not have dropped the bombs.

They also understood the severity and urgency of the situation regarding the Hiroshima nagasaki essay. As time goes on, new generations are born and raised they are not going to understand the significance because they were not there to experience the effects of the war. Majority believed and still believe it was the right thing to do for our country. Some of the most unlikely people understood why the United States dropped the atomic bombs.

People in Japan realized how powerful the atomic bombs were. These civilians survived the bombs and even saw their loved ones die along with their everyday lives in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and still would not have an issue with hiroshima nagasaki essay country releasing an atomic bomb over another country.

There are some people in Hiroshima who were glad it was used when it was, so the world may possibly be spared the threat of an all-atomic war in the future Trumbull Because people saw the destruction and tragedy it left in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the atomic bombs may have been a one time event because of the time it was dropped, and no human would want to relive that or put others through it unless absolutely necessary.

Due to the circumstances of the United States at the time of the war, they found it to be needed to put an end to it. After the bombs were released, and Japan surrendered, hiroshima nagasaki essay, Japanese and American officials released statements about their opinions on the bombs.

Japan was going to fight until the last man standing, and according to Hisatune Sakomizu, the cabinet was glad the bombs were dropped so they could, hiroshima nagasaki essay, at last, end the war Grant There is so much controversy as to whether the United States dropping the bombs was unusually cruel and unfair to the Japanese. Many believe that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were inhuman, but then again war itself is inhuman, and the bombs ended the war Mesika. War is not any better than the atomic bombs.

In fact, there were more casualties caused by different events of the war than the number of casualties caused by the atomic bombs Robinson. The loss of all of those lives in Japan ended the war and in fact saved hiroshima nagasaki essay spared thousands and thousands of lives.

The nuclear bombs not only affected the outcome of World War II, but future wars and disputes as well, hiroshima nagasaki essay. Because of these movements and councils, nuclear possession will be more regulated and could prevent other countries from using them unless that kind of action absolutely necessary. The United States used the bombs for the right reasons and at the right time.

These councils were most likely created to prevent the atomic bombs from getting into the wrong hands and being used against countries without a worthy cause. This was the first time nuclear weapons were put to use in actual combat. It was also the last time since it showed how devastating they are Mesika. The nuclear weapons were only used once and no country hiroshima nagasaki essay to experience the same devastation that Japan did.

The United States used the weapons with the right intentions and for the right reason, which justified the use of the bombs. It is obvious that several people believe the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not justified and inhumane; however, it was in fact justified and was needed to end the war.

After a great deal of consideration, the United States found that the best and most efficient way to end the war was to drop the atomic bombs. With the dropping of these bombs over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered, and the U. won the war. Countless lives in America and even Japan were saved because of the bombs.

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Hiroshima: Was the atomic bomb necessary? - UpFront

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Hiroshima And Nagasaki Justified Essay - Words | Cram

hiroshima nagasaki essay

The Hiroshima Bombing Fifty four years ago, the detonation of the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima (and later on Nagasaki) ushered to the Nuclear Age. It was a moment full of horror, in which the eyes of the whole world were opened to the unimaginable possibility of nuclear holocaust The attacks on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were conducted on 6 and 9 August , over a three-day interval (“The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”). The first bomb, called “Little Boy,” was dropped on Hiroshima, resulting in the death of over , citizens, the overwhelming majority of them civilians The Atomic Bomb, Hiroshima and Nagasaki On August 6th, , 70, lives were ended in a matter of seconds. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

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