Thursday, May 20, 2021

My ideal house essay

My ideal house essay

my ideal house essay

21/5/ · My ideal home. In the s the average home was about square feet and the average cost was around $8, Homes were usually built with two or fewer bedrooms and children shared bedrooms if needed. Closets were around two feet by eight feetjust big enough for your clothes First of all, my ideal home would be a small modern villa that located in front of any Los Angeles beaches in order to breath a fresh weather, and that house would has a huge garden. Inside the villa, when i open any windows, it would has the sea My Ideal WifeA Descriptive Essay A popular saying goes, "Marriage involves three rings: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering." If it is commonly felt that marriage is so difficult, why do most people wish to get married? Probably, the instinct to find a mate is inherent in human beings; and I am no exception

Describe your dream home or an ideal house – IELTS FEVER

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. I would like my house to be a small, double-storeyed detached bungalow, modest by modern by modern standards but a place which will complement my desire for harmonious living, my ideal house essay.

What I have in mind is a building in a gated community on at least ten thousand square feet of land overlooking a slope where I can enjoy the cool breeze, the fresh air and the my ideal house essay of a mature garden. My garden will be a riot of colourful blooms- ixoras, cannas, daisies and the flighty birds of paradise irrespective of the season. Don't use plagiarized sources. At the back it will be wild.

My backyard will be a haven for birds to build their nests on just as there will be the fragrance of flowers to attract the bees. There will be nuts and fruits for my ideal house essay and bats. I will have the best of two worlds within my compound and one component will complement the other.

My dream house will be built in the shape of a pentagon with a porch that will accommodate at least two cars, The house will comprise five bedrooms with attached bathrooms, a lounge area for guests and private living room for family members. It will be my hideout and haven, my ideal house essay, and in there I will have my private space. Needless to say, it will be done up in a way that reflects my taste.

My house would be tastefully furnished and decorated with contemporary decor Instead of heavy fabric drapes, I will opt for the modern and practical. I will have blinds in pleasant shades instead add a touch of style to every room. The blinds will allow light to filter through so the rooms would have a cheery ambience. There will be Italian-made light fittings that will lend an air of sophistication to the interior. In keeping with the technological age, mine will be a smart home.

It will be centrally wired so there will be remote controls for security, lighting, doors and windows at strategic points. When I am at home, my ideal house essay, the system works an remote control but when I am out of the house or away, it will work on the Internet.

Whether inside the house or on holiday I can see who is knocking at the door or which burglar is trying to break into my house by turning on a camera on my laptop or my smart phone, my ideal house essay. Besides, the external and internal lightning can be programmed for daily on and off times, my ideal house essay. I wish to be presented with the sight of buzzing beers and the graceful flutter of those colorful and multi-hued patterns of butterflies whenever I look out of the window.

I wish to be greeted by the sight of the Garden in full bloom or smell the natural fragrances in the air each time i venture out of the door. On top of all these, I will also enjoy the the security and convenience that the marvel of modern technology can provide. That sums up the concepts of my dream house. Cite this Essau- My Ideal Home Essau- My Ideal Home. Essau- My Ideal Home. Accessed May 19, This is just a sample. You can get your custom paper from our expert writers.

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Describe Your Idea Of Dream House - Latest IELTS Speaking Topic -

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Descriptive Essay On My Dream House - Words | Bartleby

my ideal house essay

5/4/ · The ideal house is for me such a place where I will always get comfort, peace and rest. What will my house be like? I close my eyes and see it in front of me at once. First of all, it is overlooking the sea My Ideal WifeA Descriptive Essay A popular saying goes, "Marriage involves three rings: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering." If it is commonly felt that marriage is so difficult, why do most people wish to get married? Probably, the instinct to find a mate is inherent in human beings; and I am no exception Descriptive Essay My Ideal House Words4 Pages My Ideal home would consist of 6 rooms and baths and around 5, SqFt, a acre lot and 53, Sqft lot and I would prefer it to be in California near some hills overseeing the valley. The theme would be light and spacious for my home

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