· Plato’s Republic: The Education of the Gaurdians Essay November 12, The Republic of Plato is a book consisting of dialogues held by Plato. Glaucon and Adeimantus are participants in Plato’s dialogues The Republic, By Plato Words | 6 Pages This textual analysis will be based on the book “The Republic” by Plato, specifically the passage da. The purpose of this essay is to analyze and evaluate the main concepts explored in the passage and their relation to the platonic political philosophy presented in “The Republic” While reading The Republic, according to Plato a philosopher is the most suitable person to rule the ideal republic. Throughout this essay, I will explore why he has this opinion, the soul, Eidos and much more. Plato ’s ideal republic is eliminating the idea of having families
The Republic: Suggested Essay Topics | SparkNotes
Poverty, inequality, and rising crime rates are some of the social problems that plague countries all over the world. Brilliant people argue that the only way to develop a cost efficient solution to these problems is to establish an effective system of governance. Democracy is a flawed system of government. However, democracy is the best form of government to solve the problems mentioned earlier.
Ancient Greece provided the seed of the idea that enabled the emergence of democracy, plato republic essay. The idea came from them, and the modern world is thankful for their contribution, plato republic essay.
Plato republic essay Greece demonstrated an alternative form plato republic essay government that encourages the participation of ordinary people. Ancient Greece also provided the framework that enabled modern men to come into agreement and resolve difficult issues. As a result of their contribution, modern people are able to resolve issues through the electoral process. Socrates was one of the brilliant minds that shaped the idea of democracy.
Plato was the brilliant student of Socrates. In this particular section of the book he pointed out the similarity between oligarchy and democracy Plato, Book VIII.
He assumed that oligarchy gave birth to democracy. Oligarchy is unpopular in the modern age, because it is linked to the rule of the elite. It is safe to assume that an oligarchy is a group of leaders that came from the aristocracy, plato republic essay. Thus, the author was justified in his belief that this form of democracy was bound to fail Plato Book VIII. However, Plato did not have an accurate definition of democracy. The best way to redefine democracy is to use the ideas found in The Republic.
For example, the principles rooted in timocracy plato republic essay be included in the new definition. In addition, the idea about the philosopher-king must be considered in redefining democracy as well. Thus, an ideal democracy is a form of government ruled by a wise leader. More importantly, it is a government ruled by an honorable leader, plato republic essay. This combination will create a leadership that is immune from temptations to steal from the people and oppress the weak.
This type of government will create servant leaders. Honor, honesty, and competence plato republic essay not enough plato republic essay create a democracy. Therefore, plato republic essay, it is important to modify the idea of Plato that democracy comes from oligarchy. It is imperative to prevent the aristocracy from ruling like tyrants. However, an ideal democracy is a government composed of a group of leaders. Thus, the best way to experience true democracy is to establish an idealized version of a parliamentary form of government.
A parliamentary form of government prevents the emergence of a tyrant. At the same time, the parliamentary form of government eliminates the possibility of electing a popular candidate who is not competent to rule the land. There are many countries all over the world that started as a democracy but ended up as a dictatorship. These dictators were once popular candidates who were elected to the highest position because of their popularity.
An idealized version of a parliamentary government requires two ingredients to succeed. First, the citizens will elect the leaders, plato republic essay. Second, the citizens aspire to become philosophers. Plato lamented the fact that only a few people can appreciate what it takes to become the leader of a country.
However, Plato did not live to see the day when ordinary people had the chance to read books and study like the philosophers of ancient Greece, plato republic essay. It is now possible to raise up a nation of people who are educated and understand the qualifications required to become a national leader.
People will support this new version, because it is now possible to change the way people think through plato republic essay. An idealized version of a parliamentary government is the redefinition of democracy. Therefore, an ideal version of democracy is a government ruled by a group of people who were elected into office by ordinary citizens.
However, plato republic essay, the selection process installs qualified leaders to key positions in government. This is made possible by the quality of the voters.
Plato failed to see the emergence of a new social class. He failed to see the possibility of transforming ordinary people into intelligent members of the electorate through the process of higher education. Plato republic essay, Nickolas. The Routledge Guide to The Republic. New York: Routledge, Plato's "Republic" - What Is Democracy? This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies, plato republic essay.
You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it plato republic essay on StudyCorgi, request the removal. StudyCorgi Philosophy. Table of Contents. What is Democracy? Re-Defining Democracy to Persuade Others.
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· Plato’s Republic: The Education of the Gaurdians Essay November 12, The Republic of Plato is a book consisting of dialogues held by Plato. Glaucon and Adeimantus are participants in Plato’s dialogues Suggested Essay Topics Make sure your interpretation of the statement explains how it serves as the challenge which The Republic sets out to meet. Why does Plato think that the guardians should share all of their goods in common? Is this the same reason that he thinks they should share spouses and children in common, or is there a different reason for this? According to Plato · The Republic is Plato’s best known work and has proven to be one of the most influential works of philosophy and political theory. In the Republic, Socrates as well as other various philosophers discuss the meaning of justice and examine whether or not the just man is happier than the unjust blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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