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Bio diversity essay

Bio diversity essay

bio diversity essay

 · Essay on Biodiversity – Biodiversity is the presence of different species of plants and animals on the earth. Moreover, it is also called biological diversity as it is related to the variety of species of flora and fauna. Biodiversity plays a Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins  · Short and Long Essay on Biodiversity Significance of Biodiversity - Essay 1 ( Words). Biodiversity as the name itself suggests is the diversity in biology Types of Biodiversity and Its Conservation - Essay 2 ( Words). Biodiversity refers to all the diverse life forms that Importance and Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins  · Essay on Biodiversity Words in English Types of Biodiversity. Based on the individual conditions, the variability in living organisms has resulted in various Importance of Biodiversity. Biodiversity’s importance does not lie exclusively in the existence of various species on Loss of Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

Essay on Biodiversity for Students & Children [Easy Words*]

Biodiversity refers to the presence of different species of plants, animals, reptiles, birds, bio diversity essay, etc over a particular piece of land. Biodiversity is very important for maintaining the ecological balance of a place. Biodiversity as the name itself suggests is the diversity in biology over a place. And the term biology includes everything that has been there naturally.

It includes all the living species and organisms over an area. Biodiversity at a place produces many products with a good amount of value to humans.

Different fruits, herbs and other products are used and sold by humans to sustain a living. It also contains several natural resources like water etc, which is very significant for animals and humans to sustain a living.

Biodiversity of a place provides bread and butter to a number of people. People like farmers and small traders are closely related to the biodiversity, they produce and trade the products offered by the biodiversity, to sustain their living.

If the biodiversity of a place is disturbed so will be the ecology as all the species are interdependent. If a single species gets extinct for some reason, it is bound to make an impact on others. Biodiversity is the heart of the planet and must be preserved as it is. Without biodiversity, there would be bio diversity essay life and almost all the species will extinct.

Also it provides so many useful resources, bio diversity essay, necessary for survival. It is our utmost duty to preserve the biodiversity to ensure a safe future of the planet and its species. Biodiversity refers to all the diverse life forms that exist on the planet.

For example, biodiversity is found more in tropical areas than in other parts of the earth. Genetic diversity consists of all the various genes in all the animals, reptiles, plants, fungi, etc of the same species. Some of the importance of genetic diversity is species evolution, adaptive to changes in environmental conditions, good for agriculture productivity. Species diversity accounts for the number of species over a specified area.

Ecosystem diversity pertains to the diversity that exists between different ecosystems, habitats, and biological communities. Biodiversity is threatened by habitat destruction, exploitation of resources, pollution, etc.

It is therefore imperative that its conservation must begin with removing these obstacles. Biodiversity can only flourish if unnecessary and rampant destruction of forests is stopped; if people use the available resources sensibly; if pollution has been bio diversity essay with stern resolve. Biodiversity is very essential for the existence of the ecological balance and its entire species. It is very bio diversity essay that it must be preserved at all costs with complete effort.

Biodiversity, as the name indicates is the variety of life and species that exists on planet. All the species of plants, animals, reptiles, insects, aquatic life, etc, constitute the biodiversity of a particular place, bio diversity essay. Each and every species found on the planet is important for the ecological balance of the planet, bio diversity essay. Every living species along with humans depend on each other.

If one species disappears or becomes extinct it affects the others as well. For example, birds play a vital role in preserving biodiversity. They feed on fruits, thereby resulting bio diversity essay scattering of seeds over the ground. This results in the growth of new plants and the cycle continues. If the birds become extinct, the number of new plants germinating would be considerably less; therefore, affecting the biodiversity of the place.

Also, humans bio diversity essay depend on biodiversity for their food supply, up to a large extent. Food, crop, fruits, underground water, etc all are the gifts of biodiversity to the human race. If the biodiversity is damaged then we will be left with no food and the planet will become lifeless and unlivable. The biodiversity today is threatened by several human activities, bio diversity essay.

Some of the threats to biodiversity are listed below- bio diversity essay. Encroachment into a forested area includes civil constructions of mammoth proportions for commercial purposes. Construction of buildings, houses, bio diversity essay, factories, etc, permanently destroys the biodiversity of the place.

Agricultural activities are another big threat to biodiversity. Agriculture industry is the fastest growing industry as the continuous rise in populations pushes the demand for food production. This, in turn, leads to encroachment of forests.

The desired area is cleared for agriculture activities; therefore, resulting in loss of biodiversity. Construction of roads and railway lines through a forest area is very common and also one of the prime reasons for the loss of biodiversity.

Both are big projects requiring clearing off a large area of forest land, bio diversity essay. In wake of increasing population rate that the world is witnessing today, the drain on our natural resources is inevitable.

These natural resources are an integral part of biodiversity and play a vital role in its conservation. Any disturbance in the natural resources reserve is bound to give a blow to the biodiversity of that region. Environmental pollution is another serious threat to the bio diversity essay of a region. Pollution can come in many forms, water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, etc all having its own causes and consequences. Pollution today has become the most immediate threat to the biodiversity and the life that it sustains.

It threatens every form of life over the affected area. Also, pollution has become a global concern, threatening large biodiversity reserves on the planet. Biodiversity is very important for life on the planet. In fact with its biodiversity reserves gone the planet would be nothing but bio diversity essay lifeless ball of bio diversity essay and parched land.

Every species in a biodiversity reserve is interdependent and if one bio diversity essay extinct then sooner or later others too will follow. Therefore, all the biodiversity reserves must be protected at all costs by taking necessary steps. I am a writer with no particular genre of choice.

Though, I like to write on issues that concern the general populace. I also love to know people, communities and cultures from close quarters. I write to satisfy the writer in me and also to keep you updated on several topics.

Top Menu Essay Speech Paragraph Contact us. Main Menu Essay Speech Paragraph Contact us. Login in to your account. Lost your password? Lost Password. Back to login. Essay Speech Paragraph Contact us. Essay Banyan — Collections of Essays for Students. Biodiversity Essay Essay. by Abhishek Singh. Short and Long Essay on Biodiversity Significance of Biodiversity - Essay 1 Words Introduction Biodiversity as the name itself suggests is the diversity in biology over a place.

Significance of Biodiversity Biodiversity has the following significances as described below- Productive Significance Biodiversity at a place produces many products with a good amount of value to humans. Economical Significance Biodiversity of a place provides bread and butter to a number of people.

Ecological Significance Biodiversity is very important for maintaining the ecological balance of a place. Conclusion Biodiversity is the heart of the planet and must be preserved as it is. Previous Story Black Money Essay. Next Story Essay on Causes of Global Warming. Abhishek Singh I am a writer with no particular genre of choice. Related articles Essay on Role of Science and Technology in our Daily Life Essay.

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Essay on Biodiversity: 8 Selected Essays on Biodiversity

bio diversity essay

 · Short and Long Essay on Biodiversity Significance of Biodiversity - Essay 1 ( Words). Biodiversity as the name itself suggests is the diversity in biology Types of Biodiversity and Its Conservation - Essay 2 ( Words). Biodiversity refers to all the diverse life forms that Importance and Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Essay on Biodiversity: Introduction, Importance, Decline and Steps – Essay 4 ( Words) 1. Human beings destroy forests to build houses and offices. Through deforestation humans are actually destroying the 2. All new scientific inventions are causing harm to the environment. We cannot even find Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins  · Biodiversity Essay ( words) Biodiversity, also referred to as Biological Diversity, is the variety of flora and fauna present in a particular habitat or on Earth as a whole. It has largely replaced the more clearly defined terms – species richness and species diversity. Biodiversity – A Unified View of Biological VarietiesEstimated Reading Time: 8 mins

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