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Essay on gender bias

Essay on gender bias

essay on gender bias

10/3/ · Gender Bias: Sociology of Gender and Sexuality Essay. As individuals we have the choice to do whatever we want, but why is it that we have to be careful of what we do because of the fear of being judged. This world is divided in two, the men and the women; you’re simply one or the other. Society as a whole has always made women inferior to men in Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins Essay On Gender Bias. It is not a big secret that America’s quality of education is sub-par. According the article, “US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots” by Amrutha Gayathri, it’s obvious from the title alone that the United States is falling behind Gender bias is commonly considered to be discrimination and/or hatred towards people based on their gender rather than their individual merits, but can also refer to any and all systemic differentiations based on the gender of the individuals. Gender bias can refer to subtly different beliefs or attitudes: 1. The belief that one gender or sex is inferior to or more valuable than the other which is Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

Free Essay: Gender Bias

We essay on gender bias cookies to give you essay on gender bias best experience possible. Gender Bias in Educational Leadership Essay on gender bias Don't use plagiarized sources. Gender discrimination is a devastating reality, which causes very few people to stand up, take notice and speak out about the issue.

Upon examination, the components of essay on gender bias paper will review specific conflict as it relates to biblical, legal and societal implications. Three paramount issues which were assessed include whether male leaders were favored over female leaders, how gender imbalance affects the choices males and females impart and impact, and biblical implications with regards to fairness, preparation and commitment to and for educational leadership.

Discussion Gender discrimination in educational institutions persists, despite the vigorous pursuit of policies and programs to reduce the varying degrees of gender inequality in school leadership Bon, When discussing the issue of gender bias in the educational forum, one must first determine what the role of a great leader is and what leaders do. In review of Spiritual Leadership by Blackaby and Blackaby, leadership is defined as the ability of one person to influence others.

A Christian leader is someone who is called by God to lead; they lead with and through Christ like character and demonstrate the functional competencies that permit effective leadership to take place Blackaby, In determining a good leader, we typically look for traits which include a sense of power, great negotiating skills, enduring preparation for the role of leadership and excellent communication skills.

When examining gender bias in leadership, there are specific behaviors that were utilized by men to impart male dominance within the workplace. If experienced, these approaches can lead to feelings of inequity and depression. Blackaby, To avoid the listed nuances, and to not fall privy to the trap of gender bias, each leader regardless of their role as CEO, School Principal or Superintendent, must take a leadership inventory.

Further contained within the illegitimate approaches to leadership, the preparation and training as it relates to positions of higher ranking authority, such as superintendency, have to be examined as factors which lead to gender bias. Further, emotional effects traditionally associated with women, impact gender bias as well.

While further determining the existence of gender bias, women who currently perform in roles such as that of superintendent as well as women who were aspiring to become superintendents, were polled. While interviewing these women, a review of tendencies and issues that they faced while seeking positions of higher leadership in education were examined. During the s, women were the dominant gender in professional education as well as in university based professional preparation programs for administrators Chin, Even though the percentage of women superintendents nearly doubled during the nineties, from 6.

Although many superintendents are retiring, many view this as the golden age for women in school administration and significant growth has been viewed by women in the educational profession, this growth has not been viewed as insignificant within the senior level of leadership. Women have also been encouraged to engage in positions which will project them on their quest to senior level educational leadership and to overcome bias. Most women around 75 percent teach on the elementary level.

Most current superintendents come from a secondary background where men teachers are a considerable majority Chin, Most elementary school teachers jump straight from the classroom to the position of principal and then notably, from principal to senior level leadership. Research establishes that in most of these instances, those women who had backgrounds from an elementary setting were not selected for senior level positions. This ultimately suggests that high school and middle school teachers had many more entry points for a move into higher levels of administration and the first step towards superintendency, essay on gender bias, thereby leading to break gender bias Sperandio, Addressing gender issues in society is not a new battle, but one that is not easily detected or defeated.

Some of the implications of gender bias revolve around politics and emotion. According to Aristotle, essay on gender bias, the purpose of the state is to foster the supreme good: the moral and intellectual development of its citizens Rebore, Many contend that gender bias occurs when practitioners do not embrace new approaches to leadership essay on gender bias instead adhere to authoritative and traditional views Rebore, To overcome this challenge, and not fall prey to the pitfalls of bias, essay on gender bias, women must ensure that they are appropriately prepared in accordance to their educational and leadership credentials.

Women are also achieving essay on gender bias doctorates at comparable rates to male candidates. The research further indicates that only about ten percent of women in doctoral programs are earning superintendency credentials along with their educational specialist or doctoral degree.

Although they possess the academic prowess, bias that these women experience may be attributed to their lack of preparation with regards to fiscal management. While most women had stellar knowledge of instructional programs, several lacked knowledge on budget and financial decisions, yet these skills and experiences were viewed as key criteria in the hiring process Sperandio, Of women superintendents polled, about half had experience in senior level leadership, but very few had responsibilities in personnel and finance.

Most had experience as curriculum leaders or specialists and stated they were hired based on their capability to be a strong educational and instructional leader. Boards of education state that strength in instruction and content is extremely relevant, however, candidates must also have strong fiscal management knowledge.

These candidates expressed frustration, anger, depression and diminished self-esteem. It is evident that the stakes are high when evaluating the emotional toll. Some women have tried to lie to themselves and others when it comes to traveling the road to senior level administration.

Women seeking superintendent jobs have been subjected to some restrictive forces working against them as they look to be hired by school boards. These factors have all been associated with the emotional indicators that some arguably specify as augmenting the bias that women experience.

The feelings essay on gender bias emotion that these women hold onto is heightened by the fact that there are so few women role models to look to for camaraderie or emotional sounding boards. The women often reported dealing with feelings on inequity, yet having no one to help them work through the emotions. They reported working hard, yet never feeling that it was quite enough, essay on gender bias. If she too diplomatic, essay on gender bias, she soft.

If she does succeed, essay on gender bias, the contention is that there is likely a man in the office whom others view as the real leader Sperandio, Although the research seems to align with the controversy that gender bias definitely exists within senior level educational administration, there are means by which potential senior level administrators can overcome these pitfalls.

In accordance to the teachings from Proverbs, and from Blackaby and Blackaby, there are pitfalls that work to disqualify leaders. Gender biases prevail under the component of pride that shows in a variety of guises, yet leads to the leaders ineffectiveness. Many male senior level managers and counterparts indicate that they seemed to make decisions with regards to their female counterparts seeking promotion in manners that exhibited pride Bon, Essay on gender bias accordance to biblical implications, pride leads to a loss of compassion.

Most of the women who were directly affected by gender bias agreed that they were not on the receiving end of compassion from those individuals in position of power, primarily men. When leaders become callused to the hardships of their people, their pride has the ability to desensitize them Blackaby, essay on gender bias, Pride makes leaders who operate within it vulnerable and if allowed to grow unchecked, it will cause leaders to ultimately lose everything, essay on gender bias.

God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble JamesKJV. Conclusion Although attrition to gender bias in educational leadership seems unopposed, there is some solace that can be taken. Leaders who experience gender bias can look to necessary safeguards as a manner to overcome the bias. When facing despair and discouragement, leaders can pray for others and ask others to pray essay on gender bias them.

The most practical step that a leader facing any type of unfairness should follow is to pray that God will help them keep their lives above reproach. Leaders may be blind-sighted by unexpected events such as partiality in selection, but God never is in his infinite grace and wisdom.

He will build a hedge of protection around those leaders who honestly deserve Blackaby, In doing so, personal rewards will be afforded to that leader in the form of selection, integrity, the reward of emotional transparency and influence upon others to make the right decisions. References Bingham, T. Women faculty in higher education: A case study on gender bias.

Forum on Public Policy, Retrieved September 20, Blackaby, H. Bon, S. gov Burns, G. ERIC — Examination of the effectiveness of male and female educational leaders who made use of the invitational leadership style of leadership.

ERIC — Examination of the Effectiveness of Male and Female Educational Leaders Who Made Use of the Invitational Leadership Style of Leadership, Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, ERIC — Women and leadership: transforming visions and current contexts. ERIC — Women and Leadership: Transforming Visions and Current Contexts, Forum on Public Policy, gov Holy Bible King James Version ed.

Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Rebore, R. The ethics of educational leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall Sperandio, J. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 4 4 Retrieved September 24, Cite this Essay — Gender Bias in Educational Leadership Essay — Gender Bias in Educational Essay on gender bias. Essay — Gender Bias in Educational Leadership. Accessed May 19, This is just a sample.

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How to design gender bias out of your workplace - Sara Sanford

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essay on gender bias

7/8/ · Gender Inequality In today’s society, gender inequality poses as a substantial issue. The perception of women being less superior compared to men solely based on gender as well as the stereotypical views towards women lead to gender inequality, such as unequal pay for the same job. This essay will discuss the basis of gender inequality 13/5/ · Many contend that gender bias occurs when practitioners do not embrace new approaches to leadership and instead adhere to authoritative and traditional views (Rebore, ). To overcome this challenge, and not fall prey to the pitfalls of bias, women must ensure that they are appropriately prepared in accordance to their educational and leadership credentials 10/3/ · Gender Bias: Sociology of Gender and Sexuality Essay. As individuals we have the choice to do whatever we want, but why is it that we have to be careful of what we do because of the fear of being judged. This world is divided in two, the men and the women; you’re simply one or the other. Society as a whole has always made women inferior to men in Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins

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