Thursday, May 20, 2021

Hoop dreams essay

Hoop dreams essay

hoop dreams essay

Hoop Dreams, directed by Steve James, is an outstanding documentary that gives the viewer a perspective on several different elements on the life of a teen basketball player. The film follows Arthur Agee and William Gates, two basketball stars, who live in the rough Chicago area Hoop Dreams is a story about two young men who want to become basketball players in the NBA. The author Ben Joravsky wrote the book. The idea for the book came from the documentary movie, Hoop Dreams, which is a true story. Arthur Agee and William Gates are the names of the two boys who were followed from eighth grade to twelve grade to do the movie. Arthur Agee Words4 Pages In the American documentary film Hoop Dreams, director Steve James and writers James and Frederick Marx explore various documentary elements such as relatable real life issues, musical tones, and interviews with honest opinions

FREE Hoop Dreams Essay

An audience whose emotions have been affected is more likely to remember a message and take it into consideration. Hoop Dreams, a documentary by Steve James, is an apt example that employs heavy use of pathos in order to present its theme.

The documentary follows two boys through their high school years in Chicago as they pursue their life dreams of hoop dreams essay two players in hoop dreams essay NBA. It is hard not to become engaged in the film as the boys must overcome many hurdles in order to work towards their dream.

For example: there are two persons introduced to the audience in the film that depend on the boys reaching the NBA in order for them to see part of their past hoop dreams essay reached. Also, the two families depend hoop dreams essay the young boys career in order to move their life forward out of the current despair they live in.

The audience really becomes acquainted with the families, which is done easily through the use of first witness accounts in the narrative.

The filmmakers decision to tell the narrative primarily through first person accounts in stead of voice over narrative allows the audience to have a greater feeling of empathy for the family. The filmmakers also give much attention to the physical, mental, hoop dreams essay, and financial struggles the boys and their families must work through.

William has a hoop dreams essay first two years on the basketball court at St. Also, Arthur must travel three hours a day in order to reach school on time, a burden that surely stands out to the audience.

The fact that a fourteen year old boy is willing to travel three hours a day in order to go to a school that may or may not be the key to his success, the key to elevate his family out of the financial hole they are in, is certainly admirable. But the two boys must also endure mental and emotion problems.

William begins to stress over basketball, and he makes the comment that he never plays basketball for fun anymore; it has become a job instead, which may be the crux of the entire film. The boys, as well as their families, must come to the realization that they are seen as objects, merchandise, or tickets to success, which can be seen from the very beginning when Earl Smith scouts out the two boys.

William is recognized for his talent and is supported by Patricia Weir, the president of Brittanica Encyclopedia. However, Arthur did not exhibit as much talent his first year in basketball, and his tuition was not paid for entirely. Arthur had hoop dreams essay deal with his father, who became addicted to cocaine, leaving, which forced his mother to take care of a large family.

It is a heart wrenching scene in which she breaks down and cries and becomes so thankful for what she has achieved. Also worth mentioning is the fact that all of these events are being narrated chronologically. The audience literally watches the boys grow up and confront these problems, which increases the familiarity between the audience and the protagonists of the film. As a result, the audience is much more empathetic to the troubles the boys must endure.

Juxtaposition can be seen in the very beginning of the film as images of the dilapidated town hoop dreams essay boys live in are displayed next to grand images of NBA stars, representing the current status of the boys and the dream they hope to reach, hoop dreams essay. Also, the two boys themselves seem to be juxtaposed throughout the film.

They both attend St. William excels in academics, while Arthur does not. William excels in basketball during his freshman and sophomore years, while Arthur fails to stand out. William is allowed to remain at St.

All of these juxtapositions allow the audience to see how two boys that begin with practically the same goals can end up in two totally different positions, which forces the audience to think. By employing different narrative tactics such as first witness accounts, juxtaposition, hoop dreams essay, and order of series of events, James creates a film that is full of emotion and bound to resound with audiences.

The audience is rooting for the two boys in the film because they realize that the protagonists are real people with real problems, and they deserve to achieve their dream just as much as anyone else. Hoop Dreams. com, Sep 11, Hoop dreams essay May 19, comSep We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours.

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Siskel \u0026 Ebert - Hoop Dreams (Compilation)

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Analysis Of The Film Hoop Dreams - Words | Bartleby

hoop dreams essay

Words4 Pages In the American documentary film Hoop Dreams, director Steve James and writers James and Frederick Marx explore various documentary elements such as relatable real life issues, musical tones, and interviews with honest opinions Hoop Dreams is a true story of two inner-city young African-American kids who wanted to become a professional basketball player. William Gate and Arthur Agee are filmed in the documentary, it shows their passion, dedication and love for the basketball and how basketball kept them away from the streets Hoop Dreams essaysThe way out of the Ghettos "Hoop Dreams" The Movie "Hoop Dreams" Deals with the lives of two boys who are trying to acquire the American Dream through their skills in basketball. This documentary depicts the struggle of these African American children born int

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